Sonny Rollins, 80 on September 7, says 'bye with band behind him.
My shot is as fuzzy as his beard but both are full of spirit, with circular breathing, slaps, leaning forward into the tenor sax and rocking it as it hangs by the neck strap and talks through the horn, comments and asides abound.
And then there was Jim Hall, 82, duetting on guitar with Sonny's tenor.
As if that wasn't way too much already, up pops Sonny on the front mike to sing blues and then wail that tenor. Kobie Watkins on drums never stopped, not even one second, and drove - mouth open - the band as hard as Sonny did.
Russell Malone on guitar was a total pro handling the stance of one bandleader playing with another out of complete respect and love.
After a solid week of great jazz, one sated Festival-goer was heard to say - "cool".
Songs heard:
Why Was I Born
The Everywhere Calypso
*How Are Things In Glocca Mora?
If Ever I Should Leave You
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